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No fewer than 30 people have been killed with house set ablaze during an attack in Yalwan Zangam Community, a suburb of Jos North Local Government Area of Plateau State.

Yalwan Zangam, is about 10 kilometres from Jos City Centre and is part of the village that hosts the University of Jos permanent site.

According to the Community leader, Mai Angwa Agida Isa, who comfirmed the incident to reporters, the attackers came at about 8pm on Tuesday.

Isa said they called for help from the security operatives but none came as the attackers had disabled the bridge leading to the community preventing any access to help before launching their attacks and by the time security operatives arrived, it was too late as the attackers had left.

An entire family was reported burnt to death in their home while others who sustained injuries are being treated in the hospital.

Efforts to reach the Plateau State Police Command for comments on the incident were unsuccessful.

The fresh attack is coming few hours after Governor Simon Lalong told President Muhammadu Buhari that peace has returned to Jos.

The Governor further told President Buhari that security was already provided for the University of Jos campus and that he was surprised as students were evacuated from the university.