Jake Rowton first noticed Morgan Wolfe at a fraternity party in August 2016, when both were juniors at Kansas State University, in Manhattan, Kan. “She was the most attractive girl there,” said Mr. Rowton. “But she was with someone else.”
Several months later, when Mr. Rowton was working at a temporary job at Einstein Bagels, Ms. Wolfe came in for some coffee. His boss introduced them and mentioned that Ms. Wolfe also worked at the bagel shop. “I had been waiting for someone to introduce me to this girl for four months,” he said. “I am very shy. I would never go up to her myself. Once I found out that Morgan worked there, I would not quit until I got to know her.”
Their interactions started with small chitchat. When they discovered that they lived a block away from each other, they started walking home together after work.
“The walks became our thing,” said Ms. Wolfe. “It wasn’t long before we were hooked. We enjoyed the next two years of college together — we attended every party together, studied together, hung out after class together and everything in between.”
Right after graduation in May 2018, when Ms. Wolfe, 25, earned a bachelor’s degree in public relations, they faced a major crossroad. She had to go home to Colorado Springs to take care of her father, who was terminally ill with brain cancer. “I needed to be there to support him,” said Ms. Wolfe. “I had no choice but to go.”
Mr. Rowton, who graduated with a degree in statistics, surmised that if he didn’t move there, they would break up. “The distance, her new job as senior coordinator at Next PR, a tech media relations company, plus taking care of Fred would all make it impossible for us to stay together,” he said. “So, without a job lined up, I packed my things and moved to Colorado.”
Mr. Rowton, 26, found a position in Denver (an hour away from Colorado Springs) as a pricing analyst for Trinidad Benham Corporation, a company that markets and distributes foil, beans, rice and popcorn.
“Jake came down every weekend to help me care for my dad,” said Ms. Wolfe. “Unlike other young couples in their twenties who go out, party and enjoy young life with their friends, Jake and I stayed in with Fred. We watched movies, we did his laundry, bought his groceries, prepped his meals, cleaned his house and more.”
Ms. Wolfe’s father died Aug. 27, 2020. “I gave Morgan time to grieve, so I waited 3 months before proposing,” said Mr. Rowton.
By December of that year, Ms. Wolfe and Mr. Rowton were living together in Monument, Colo. Early that month, the couple stopped by the Kiln Art Studio, where you select a piece of unfinished pottery and paint it yourself. Mr. Rowton secretly purchased a mug with a heart on it. He painted “Will You Marry Me” next to the heart.
Two days later, while walking their dog, they visited Woodmoor Lake, near their home. Mr. Rowton gave her the mug and pulled a ring out of his pocket. “It wasn’t the most extravagant proposal, but it took her by surprise, which is what I wanted,” said Mr. Rowton.
The wedding took place on Aug., 20, 2021, at North Star Gatherings, a Rocky Mountain events space that overlooks a beautiful valley. 125 guests attended. Matt Morgan, an ordained minister from Jacob’s Well Church in Chippewa Falls, Wisc., officiated.
“The entire wedding took place outdoors,” said Ms. Wolfe. “Some guests wore masks, but we left the option open. Tables were spaced far apart.”
“Everything was perfect,” she said. “I felt my dad with me the entire day.”
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