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Alright! Matthew McConaughey’s potential run for governor of Texas has dazed Ted Cruz.

Cruz said Thursday he is hoping McConaughey doesn’t run for governor in their shared home state – but the Republican senator admitted the Academy Award-winning actor would be a “formidable” candidate.

“He’s a very charming, very affable guy – he’s a movie star,” Cruz told conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt.

“And a good looking, charming, affable movie star can be a really formidable candidate on the ballot,” Cruz added.

“I hope that doesn’t happen, but you know what? He’s going to have to make his own decision whether he’s going to run or not.”

McConaughey has been flirting with making the jump to politics for months, and he has been gauging support among some heavyweight Republican donors, Politico reported last month.

The Austin resident recently outlined his philosophy not to use “Band-Aids” to solve problems during an appearance on “The Carlos Watson Show.”

Actor Matthew McConaughey is weighing in on running for the Texas gubernatorial election.
Actor Matthew McConaughey is weighing in on running for the Texas gubernatorial election.
Getty Images for HISTORY
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott will be the incumbent for the 2022 gubernatorial election.
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott will be the incumbent for the 2022 gubernatorial election.
Getty Images

“I’m interested in building something that can last and I’m measuring what category that is, and I don’t know if that’s politics,” he said.

If he were to run, the 51-year-old “Dallas Buyers Club” star would have to go through Gov. Greg Abbott (R), who has said he’s running again in 2022. It’s not clear if McConaughey would run as a Republican, Democrat or independent – but the Lone Star State has gone Republican in its choice of governors since the 1990s.

Cruz had worked under Abbott as solicitor general when Abbott was Texas’ attorney general from 2003-08. The senator told Hewitt he had met McConaughey personally and liked him – but his loyalty was still with Abbott.

Sen. Ted Cruz insists he prefers Gov. Greg Abbott over actor Matthew McConaughey.
Sen. Ted Cruz insists he prefers Gov. Greg Abbott over actor Matthew McConaughey.
Getty Images
Sen. Ted Cruz claims actor Matthew McConaughey can compete in the Texas gubernatorial election with his celebrity fame.
Actor Matthew McConaughey has not decided which political party he plans to represent.
Getty Images for HISTORY

“I hope Matthew decides not to run,” Cruz said.

“I am a big fan of Greg Abbott, he was my boss for five and a half years, he’s a close friend and mentor.”

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