America needs to talk. And will as never before during America Talks and the National Week of Conversation (June 14-20).
Abraham Lincoln, quoting Jesus, said, “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” They weren’t playing. More than half of us (54%) now say our fellow Americans pose the biggest threat to the country.
Described as a “singularly virulent and dangerous phenomenon” and “our greatest national security vulnerability,” toxic polarization – the way we demonize one another across differences – is a grave threat to all Americans, our families, our communities and our country.
Nearly all of us (93%) recognize this problem, and 71% rightly conclude that our democracy itself is in danger. Experts, including my partner Maya MacGuineas of FixUS, note that “democracy withers when people cynically assume the worst about their institutions and each other. … E pluribus unum is literally the opposite of ‘us against them.’”
Sadly, today “they” are our “enemies,” a “serious threat” and “downright evil.” One in five Americans say many members of the other side “lack the traits to be considered fully human.” And 15% of Republicans and 20% of Democrats say the country would be better off if large numbers of opposing partisans “just died.”
America Talks: Take the survey and register to participate now
Wish they’d just die? Come on now. We need to get a grip on ourselves. When was the last time murderous rage ended well for anyone?
As my partner Kristin Hansen of Civic Health Project asks, “Once our political disagreements curdle into acute conflict, where does that road take us? How does it end?”
We won’t drift toward unity
It’s easy for perennial optimists like myself to assume that somehow, someway it’ll all work out, that mighty America will prevail. But as my partner David Eisner of Convergence Center for Policy Resolution writes, “Thinking that polarization is as bad as it can get constitutes a failure of imagination. America is likely only at the beginning of this journey; absent intervention, we’re headed toward national violence and tragedy.”
Indeed, 51% expect political violence to increase.
Former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords, nearly killed 10 years ago in an act of political violence and now advising my partners at the National Institute for Civil Discourse, writes, “The first principle and best practice of engaging our differences more constructively is to listen across the divide with the goal of understanding,” echoing the #ListenFirst Pledge: “I will listen first to understand.”
The Listen First Project recently released a statement on peace and justice signed by dozens of conflict prevention, peace and bridging leaders who said in part that “solving our profound challenges … is impossible to do in a diverse country without crossing lines of difference. When our pursuit of a more perfect union excludes Americans unlike ourselves, it’s doomed to fail. We must resist demonizing others and instead listen to understand their concerns.”
A fast growing body of research illuminates the brain and social science behind our tribalism. We are social animals. Our brain biology makes us sensitive to feelings of group belonging and threats from members of other groups – primal survival instincts. The good news is that our posture and group identities can change over time.
Further violence is a real threat
My partner Michael Shipler of Search for Common Ground, reflecting on experience in conflict zones around the world, says that “the ingredients for prolonged – even armed – conflict are all present in today’s United States. But so, too, are the ingredients for creating a safer, healthier, more just society. The choice is ours.”
Professor Justin Gest at George Mason University’s Schar School of Policy and Government recently examined how other countries have adapted to social change and explains that in the United States, “it is growing late” to address “the ethnic and partisan tensions,” but that “the more Americans interact with those whom they would otherwise prejudge or stereotype, in a safe and constructive environment, the more likely they are to recognize what they have in common as fellow Americans. That is progress on which the country can build.”
Laying that critical foundation of connection on which to build is the work of the #ListenFirst Coalition of more than 300 organizations bringing Americans together across differences.
Only together can we discover common purpose, grapple with uncomfortable truths, and permanently overcome the historical sins and present challenges that bedevil us. America is a complex story of tragedy and triumph, awe-inspiring ideals and horrid hypocrisy, radical courage and unrealized hope.
As warnings about toxic polarization and calls for reconciliation grow louder, I hear folks of varying backgrounds and beliefs respond with something like, “Oh, hell no! Not with THEM!”
There’s a massive amount of distrust, fear and contempt coursing through our American veins, which can make the idea of engagement with “the other” seem quite distasteful, even disloyal to our own values and in-groups.
Truth and reconciliation, as my partner John Wood Jr. of Braver Angels writes, is painful. But to those who reject the idea of engaging across differences, I earnestly ask, what’s your endgame?
I’ve heard four answers, which I shorthand as delusion, doom, duck and dash.
Many of us behave as if one day, we’ll vanquish the other side into oblivion and not have to contend with them or their values any more (delusion).
Others have given up hope and think we’re irrevocably destined for another violent civil war (doom).
Some have forsaken civic engagement of any kind and secluded themselves with only family and closest friends (duck).
Finally, I keep running into people who tell me they have an exit plan from the United States (dash).
Instead, how about we lean in together on the only universally plausible, palatable and prosperous path forward?
America Talks (June 12-13), promoted by USA TODAY, will bring thousands of Americans together across differences to engage in one-on-one, face-to-face (video) conversations designed to increase warmth and decrease fear.
We won’t heal America in one weekend, but it’s a great start and will be immediately followed by the fourth annual National Week of Conversation showcasing many additional opportunities for conversations despite differences in bold and energizing ways. Seeded by the #ListenFirst Coalition, we hope many more organizations and individuals will host and participate in conversations during NWOC ’21 (June 14-20).
America Talks and the National Week of Conversation invite Americans of all stripes to listen, extend grace and discover common interests.
After a recent test of America Talks, participant Brian Clancy said, “I matched with someone I probably disagree with on much I hold dear, but we had an extremely thoughtful conversation, found some common ground and shared contact information. This mission of healing America is outrageously hard, but it’s possible to the degree we make it personal.”
New research from my partner Public Agenda and USA TODAY’s Hidden Common Ground initiative finds that 79% of Americans say creating opportunities for conversation among people with differing views and values would be effective to bridge divisions.
Meanwhile in unreleased data shared with me by partner More in Common, 66% say the differences between Americans are not so big that we cannot come together. It’s time to seize this opportunity and act on that hope.
I’m often called idealistic. Guilty as charged. Which is why I appreciate what a friend working at the highest level of partisan politics recently said to me: “Pearce, I think you may be on a quixotic mission, but we have to swing for it.”
My fellow Americans, our shared future is worth swinging for. There’s no better opportunity to courageously step up to the plate than America Talks and the National Week of Conversation. I’ll see you there.
Pearce Godwin is founder and CEO of the Listen First Project and the #ListenFirst Coalition. He can be reached at [email protected]