Prince Harry and Meghan Markle announced their engagement last month, and we've speculated on all the details of their upcoming royal wedding ever since. One of the major questions on everyone's mind is who will Meghan's lucky bridesmaids be?
Although we have very little information to confirm whether Meghan and Kate Middleton are close enough friends for her to be one of the candidates, we can assume the two share enough respect for one another - both were commoners who snagged royal princes and will be the only two British royal brides who have received a college education - for Kate to be considered.
So does this mean we can expect to see Kate by Meghan's side when she walks down the aisle in May 2018? The short answer is no. Royals expert and author Marlene Koenig spoke with Cosmopolitan recently and explained why the Duchess of Cambridge would likely turn down the offer if extended. "[She] is the future queen consort when William becomes king after his father and would unlikely be an attending person to another royal bride," she told the outlet.
Another important aspect to consider? The title of bridesmaid to begin with. Since bridesmaids are usually single and Kate is married to Prince William, Marlene told the publication it would make more sense for Kate to be Meghan's matron of honour. "But it's unlikely for Catherine to do this," she noted. "She was not a matron of honour, even at her sister's [Pippa] wedding." Point taken.
Although for now it does seem far-fetched that Kate will be one of Meghan's bridesmaids, we can expect to see Kate, Prince William, Prince George, and Princess Charlotte in attendance at what is sure to be one of the most talked-about weddings of the year.